Day Guests are always welcome at St Benedict’s Centre.
We offer freshly refurbished quiet study rooms with WiFi, a desk and comfortable chair for you to write, read, rest, retreat or recharge. Refreshments are available (a selection of tea, coffee and biscuits) as required, but please bring your own lunch.
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Outside you can enjoy the beautiful Abbey grounds and gardens, which include a Prayer Labyrinth, seats and shelters, as well as the lovely West Malling countryside and park beyond.
Visitors are welcome to join the Sisters at prayer in the Malling Abbey Guest Chapel, and the Pilgrim chapel is also available for private prayer throughout the week.
Rooms are available from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and also some Saturdays, so please do ask. The daily charge is £18.
You may find it helpful to book your quiet study or reflection dates in advance, and we would encourage you to do so. If you need to cancel nearer the time, this can be done easily and without cost.